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Health Benefits of Owning a Pet

Any pet owner can tell you how rewarding having a pet can be. However, did you know that there are also legitimate health benefits of owning a pet? Pet ownership leads to physical, mental, and emotional health improvements!

Better Immune System:

For those with children, having a pet can actually boost the child’s immune system! Studies show that children can be up to 33 percent less likely to develop allergies later on in life. In addition to a lower risk of allergies, the overall immune system tends to be stronger. While you want to take into consideration the allergies that already exist in the home, for families with younger children, a pet is actually a great idea!

Heart Healthy:

Heart disease is a huge problem in the United States. Exercise is one of the best ways to combat this, which is easy to fit in when you have a dog! Taking your dog on walks, running with him or her, playing catch, and more don’t just keep your dog fit-they keep you fit as well! Studies have even shown that pet owners have lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and lower stress.

Social Benefits:

If you tend to be shy, a pet can help immensely! There is definitely a social aspect to owning a pet, from going to dog parks to training classes. It is a great icebreaker, and while your pet is on a play date, you can make new friends. In addition, if you have been feeling sad or depressed, a pet can make all the difference! Pets give their owners a sense of purpose, along with huge mood boosts. Hospitals and nursing homes use this tactic often, with Animal Assisted Therapy.

While having a pet is a big responsibility, there are numerous benefits to owning a pet. Along with the companionship, there are actual health benefits as well! If you are in the process of getting a pet, make sure to schedule his or her first veterinary appointment at Metro Vet!

Courtesy of: Animal Planet

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