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Resolutions to Make for Your Furry Friend

The New Year is upon us, and with that comes making New Year’s Resolutions! You may have a list of ten very specific resolutions, or maybe you have no idea. No matter what, if you are a dog owner, you may want to add a couple of resolutions for your pet! There are many components that go into being a dog owner, from watching their health to sharing lots of pictures of them on social media. Try out one or more of these resolutions to make their 2017 a great one!

Their Health

You likely already cover the bases: a yearly vet appointment, dental care, making sure they don’t eat chocolate, etc. However, there are a couple of extra steps you can take to help your dog stay healthy. Make sure they always get their daily or twice daily walk, and that they are getting enough exercise. Remember that larger dogs need more exercise than smaller dogs. Many dog owners will feed their dogs a couple of table scraps here and there, but make it a point to only do this on very rare occasions, if ever.

Their Social Life

Just like with humans, dogs need to be around other dogs, though not nearly as often. If you have the means, consider fostering or adopting another dog. Not only will your dog get a friend, you will also be doing a great thing for the dog you adopt! Having more than one dog can be difficult though, so if you are unable to take in another pet, make a play date! Whether you have friends with dogs, or go to a dog park where your pet can socialize, your dog will be happy to have someone to play with.

Contact Metro Vet

By monitoring your dog’s health, you are helping them live a longer life. However, if you do notice a problem, contact Metro Vet for veterinary services. Whether you need a general exam, diagnostic services, a Pet Health Certificate, etc., we have the services you need!

Courtesy of: Dog Guide

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