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Keep Your Pet in Shape

Just like humans, pets need exercise and a healthy diet to stay healthy. Obesity in animals can lead to complications like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis, not to mention a shorter lifespan.

Your pet is not going to look in the mirror one day and decide that he or she could shed a few pounds – you are responsible. You can get your pet’s weight under control as long as you commit to a weight-loss plan. Here are a few things to consider:

1. Consider your pet’s nutritional needs.

There are so many options out there in regards to pet food, so it can be overwhelming when trying to decide which is best for your pet’s unique needs. But it isn’t impossible! As long as you take your pet’s age, activity level, breed and individual health needs into account, you can find the most appropriate food choice. It is also wise to consult with a veterinarian about what diet is best for your furry friend.

2. Pay attention to portion control.

Once you find the right kind of food for your pet, you need to figure out how much is the right amount. Ask your vet for a recommendation, and take it seriously. When you are told to give one cup of food, it means 8 oz., not a Big Gulp. Use a measuring cup or scale rather than eyeballing the amount.

3. No more table scraps.

It may not seem like a big deal giving your pet leftovers from the dinner table, but in reality it can be problematic for their diet. According to Dr. Larry R. Corry, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association, giving a cat a potato chip is the human equivalent of half of a cheeseburger, while giving a dog a hot dog is like a human eating two cheeseburgers. You may not be the one sneaking the treats, but make sure to pass the message along to family members and guests.

4. Don’t be over-generous with treats.

It is always good to reward your pet for good behavior, but treats may not be the best way to do so. Most commercial pet treats are heavy with calories and fat; many large dog biscuits contain around 100 calories. It’s all right to give your pet a nice treat now and then, but don’t compromise more than 10% of your pet’s diet. Try other ways of rewarding them, like a new toy or a nice belly rub.

5. Get moving.

Regular exercise does your pet’s body good, and you should make an effort to make some kind of physical activity an everyday priority. A walk around the block with your dog or chasing a laser-pointer beam for cats are small, simple exercises that can be done every day. Not only does daily exercise helps to lose weight, but it also makes your pet happier and more well-behaved.

If you have questions or concerns about your pet’s diet, we can help! Stop by our office so we can recommend a diet and exercise plan that works for both of you!




Courtesy of She Knows

The post Keep Your Pet in Shape appeared first on Metro Vet Chicago.

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