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Safety First this Halloween

Halloween is a fun holiday for both children and adults. However, it can be a frightening experience for a dog or cat. In order to keep your pets safe, happy and stress-free this Halloween, read the following tips:

  1. Pets look incredibly adorable in a costume. Your pet may not find it so enjoyable, however. If your pet seems stressed out by the costume, remove it for their safety.
  2. Make sure the pet’s costume is comfortable, doesn’t block vision or hearing, and doesn’t restrict movement. Avoid tying anything around the animal’s neck to prevent choking. Make sure the costume has no small parts that the pet can easily chew or swallow.
  3. If you plan on bringing your pet outside after dark, add reflective tape to the costume to minimize the risk of an accident.
  4. It may seem fun, but do not bring your dog along trick-or-treating. Even dogs that are well-trained can become spooked or aggressive in the midst of the noise and confusion of Halloween. Keep pets in your home in a separate room from the trick-or-treaters, as this can be overwhelming and possibly threatening for a pet.
  5. If you have an outdoor cat, keep them indoors for the several days surroudding Halloween to minimize risk from pranks or other cruelty-related incidents.
  6. Be alert when opening the door for trick-or-treaters. You don’t want your pet to zip out the front door!
  7. If you haven’t done so already, visit your veterinarian for a microchip prior to Halloween festivities. If your pet does escape from the home or becomes lost, a microchip increases the chances of returning them home. Make sure your pet is also wearing a collar with the proper identification tags.
  8. Avoid hazardous decorations such as flaming jack-o-lanterns which can burn your pet. Don’t use streamers or ribbons around the animal’s neck, on their collars or in your home. These items are frequently ingested and may cause intestinal obstruction.
  9. Keep Halloween candy out of your dog or cat’s reach! Chocolate is toxic to pets and many candies are harmful and can cause pets to become sick. Keep counter tops clean and the garbage lid secured to prevent them from eating wrappers and other food packages.


Courtesy of Halo Pets


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