Stenotic Nares Augmentation

Stenotic Nares Augmentation

Metropolitan Veterinary Center in Chicago is offering a breath of fresh air for pets suffering from Brachycephalic Syndrome through soft palate resection and stenotic nares augmentation.

Dogs and cats with short, wide heads such as English bulldogs, French bulldogs, Pugs, Pekingese, Boston terriers, and Persians are prone to loud, difficult breathing due to the obstructive breathing nature of the Stenotic Nares Surgeryshape of their head. These breeds are “brachycephalic” breeds and the difficult breathing syndrome due to their short muzzles is known as, “Brachycephalic Syndrome”. This syndrome refers to the combination of elongated soft palate, stenotic nares, and possibly everted laryngeal saccules,

Stenotic Nares are malformed nostrils that are narrow or collapse inward during inhalation, making it difficult for your pet to breathe through its nose.

Signs of Stenotic Nares:

  • Noisy breathing
  • Retch, gagging and vomiting
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Heat Intolerance / Overheating (this can be deadly)

Obesity will worsen these signs.


Definitive diagnosis can only be made during a routine examination.


The surgical procedure for this condition involves the widening of the nostrils opening by removing a small wedge-shaped piece from each nostril. At Metropolitan Veterinary Center, this is done with a scalpel or our state-of-the-art high-frequency radiosurgery unit.

Brachycephalic Syndrome Before and After Stenotic Flares Surgery

Home Care After Surgery:

Your pet should wear an e-collar to prevent scratching or rubbing the sutures. If stenotic nares augmentation was performed in addition to soft palate resection, after care should also follow those procedures recommendations.