Cat Dermatology

Most cats will scratch on occasion but if you notice that the occasional scratch and regular grooming becomes excessive, your cat may be experiencing skin problems and you should schedule an appointment at Metropolitan Veterinary Center.

Excessive scratching, grooming and hair loss can be signs that cat skin problems are present and your feline friend needs medical attention. While cat skin problems are rarely an emergency, an uncomfortable cat will have trouble enjoying daily life until those symptoms are under control.

In comparison to dogs, cats typically require less care for their coats and skin. In general, skin problems in cats are much less common than in dogs. By performing a weekly brushing, you will be familiar with your cat’s coat and skin.  This will allow you to be more likely to catch potential problems with your cats skin early on and seek prompt care by your veterinarian.

Recognizing Cat Skin Conditions

So how do you recognize cat skin conditions? Here are some key signs to look for:

  • Hair loss is a common sign of cat skin problems. Have you noticed any bald patches? Is your cat shedding more than normal?
  • Excessive grooming can also indicate cat skin conditions are present. If the grooming appears more frenetic and less relaxed than normal, it may be because your cat is pruritic (itchy) and uncomfortable.
  • While brushing your cat, if you notice any red, scaly, patchy, or scabby areas, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.
  • Fleas and ticks are common parasites which may be found on the skin.
  • If your cat shakes his head excessively, this could indicate he may have a skin problem or an issue with his ears.

Types of Cat Skin Conditions

The following are some types of common cat skin problems you should be aware of:

  • External parasites such as fleas can cause itchy skin and cat skin allergies. The cat will then scratch and bite and potentially cause secondary infections.
  • Ticks can attach to your cat’s skin causing a raised bump or cause localized swelling. The bump is the cat’s response to fight off the tick.
  • Mites, or ear mites, can produce itchy ears. This is more commonly seen in kittens. The cat will hold his head sideways indicating discomfort. Cats can also have ear infections which need to be treated promptly by your veterinarian.
  • Cats can also develop polyps in their ears. A thorough exam includes an otoscopic exam of the cat’s ear canals.
  • Cats can also be prone to food allergies. Your cat can develop an “itchy face,” or itchiness all over. Your veterinarian will determine if you need to change your cat’s diet. This will generally include a food trial and may require several attempts to rule out food allergy.
  • Environmental allergies (atopy) can also be present in cats. This is very similar to how people develop allergies to common substances in their environment.
  • Cat skin cancer. As in humans, cat cancer is a potentially life threatening condition. If you notice new or changing skin spots, make a veterinary appointment ASAP.
  • Cat acne. Some cats are prone to cat acne. While this may appear similar to a rash, the treatment of cat acne may involve prescription medication.
  • Cat dermatitis. Cat dermatitis is a condition of the skin in which it becomes red, swollen, and sore, sometimes with small blisters, resulting from direct irritation of the skin by an external agent or an allergic reaction to it. 

Cats with allergies will exhibit other traits like:

  • Feline acne
  • Eosinophilic granulomas or plaques in Cat
  • Asthma / respiratory symptoms
  • Sneezing, nasal discharge, watery eyes
  • Excessive grooming and hair loss
  • Gastritis, vomiting, and diarrhea

Schedule an appointment with us as soon as you see any of these symptoms.

Testing and Diagnosing Cat Skin Problems

The veterinarians at Metropolitan Veterinary Center have many types of tests available when it comes to a cat dermatology issues:

  • One common test is to collect some of the material from the skin or the ear and look at it under a microscope. We will be looking for mites, yeast or bacteria or certain types of cells to determine the cause of the discomfort.
  • Ringworm is a common cat skin condition that can be transmitted to children or adults, so this is something that needs to be diagnosed and treated immediately when the presentation or symptoms fit. This is best diagnosed by a fungal culture of hairs plucked from the affected area. 
  • Skin biopsies are also a diagnostic tool.  In this case, using a local anesthetic, we remove a small sample of the affected tissue. 
  • Skin cultures
  • Allergy testing - Blood serum IgE testing

There are many things your veterinarian will be looking at to determine what is the most appropriate treatment.

Treatments for Cat Skin Conditions

Getting a diagnosis is the first step. 

  • If you are dealing with fleas, your vet will treat for flea control.
  • If you are dealing with food allergies, we may have to switch your cat’s food.
  • We may have to use an immune modulating medication to suppress allergic response in your cat.
  • Anti-itch medications may be used to make your cat feel more comfortable.
  • If ringworm is present, antifungal medication will be prescribed.
  • Some medications must be injected by a veterinarian while other medication can be administered by you at home.

It is important that you work with the veterinarians at Metropolitan Veterinary Center to accurately diagnose the symptoms of your cat's skin conditions. We will perform a thorough exam and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Schedule A Cat Dermatology Appointment

Schedule an appointment with a veterinarian at Metropolitan Veterinary Center as soon as you notice any changes in your cat’s grooming behavior, excessive itchiness, or if you notice red, scaly patches on your cat’s skin. Cat skin conditions can quickly worsen becoming more difficult and costly to treat. Early detection and treatment is key in the fight against cat skin problems. Schedule an exam with a veterinarian from Metropolitan Veterinary Center by calling (312) 583-1921.