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Lyme Disease and Your Dog

With the mild winter we just experienced, the number of ticks and mosquitoes are higher than normal this summer. For this reason, tick prevention for your dogs is extremely important; without it, your dog could easily contract Lyme disease, a condition transmitted through the bite of a tick. Both people and dogs can be affected by this disease, particularly if your dog carries in an infected tick from the outdoors.


Unfortunately, dogs cannot voice their symptoms. With Lyme disease, one of the most common signs is lameness in the leg, which you may not be able to spot in your dog. Other signs include lack of appetite, irritability, fever, and depression, which you should be able to see. If you believe your dog may have Lyme disease, bring them into Metro Vet for Chicago animal medical care immediately; we can diagnose through a blood test.


The easiest means of protecting your dog and family from Lyme disease is taking preventative measures. Tick infestations are common for an outdoorsy lifestyle, so always check your dog and yourself thoroughly after being outside. Always wear gloves when removing a tick, and get in the habit of checking your backpack or other gear you bring when camping or hiking.

For the best prevention in your dog, there are monthly preventatives available at Metro Vet to keep your dog safe. Our Chicago animal medical care provides everything from general check ups to emergency care. You can discuss with our veterinarians about the best tick preventative for your dog! Schedule an appointment today.


Courtesy of: The Spruce

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