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Why Pets Make Life Better

We know that having animals around the house makes us feel happier, more comforted, and even safer. However they can be better for your health, too! Find out why:

1. They help your heart.

The simple act of petting a dog, cat or other furry (or non-furry) friend can lower blood pressure. Holding a pet makes us feel relaxed and stay focused on the present rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Cuddling with your favorite little pal can even give you a chemical boost by releases serotonin and dopamine, chemicals in our brain that make us feel good. According to a study in the Medical Journal of Australia, pet owners also tend to have lower cholesterol levels.

2. Pets boost immunity.

Petting a dog can increase levels of the antibody that fights off the common cold, called immunoglobulin A. Going along with the “man’s best friend” mentality, social support affects the body’s immune system and impacts our resistance to infections and disease.

3. They teach your kids to be nicer.

Young children who grow up with pets are more social and empathetic than those who don’t. Allowing boys to take responsibility for care of a pet, such as feeding, walking and grooming lets them practice nurturing skills that girls generally develop placing house.

4. You’ll breathe easier.

Maybe not, if you already have allergies, but people who grew up with pets are less likely to have allergies and asthma later on. One explanation is that early exposure to allergens helps create a stronger immune system. Maybe giving in to your kids’ wishes for a pet isn’t such a bad idea!

5. You’re forced to stay fit.

When you have a dog, you have no excuse to blow off a daily walk. Dog owners tend to be in better shape that those who do not have a pet to walk. Walking a dog for an hour each day can also contribute to weight loss.

6. They keep you safe.

Dogs can calm down even the biggest worriers. People worry less about being attacked when they have a canine companion. Even a small dog can act as an alarm when something isn’t quite right in your home.

7. Pets help you feel less alone.

Do you find yourself talking to your cat when no one else is around? This is completely normal! Fifty percent of adults and 70 percent of children confide in their pet. Having a pet also helps children deal better with a loss in the family. Regardless of the animal – dog, cat, bunny, bird, fish – you develop a sense of companionship with your pet. You build certain routines and rituals with each other, which draws you into the relationship and makes you feel as though you’re not alone.

8. You may make new friends.

Any kind of pet is a conversation starting. Dogs can especially drag you into encounters with others – which can help you get to know neighbors or people in your community better. It can even be your “in” with the cute guy at the local dog park!

Your pet means a lot to everyone in your family – friend, child, sibling, companion, listener, and so much more – make sure you take good care of him or her by taking them to the MetroVet Center!


Courtesy of Ladies’ Home Journal

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